School Facilities

ICT Enabled Teaching

ICT enabled teaching includes Wi-Fi enabled class rooms with LCD, Language Lab, Smart Class rooms, E-learning resources. Virtual class room links the guest lecture of eminent persons to develop their core knowledge in the subject. The institution adopts modern pedagogy in line with emerging trends to enhance teaching-learning process. The institution has the essential equipments to support the faculty members and students. Regular practical sessions, online and offline grammar test, Use of LCD projectors for seminars and workshops, and productive use of educational videos are utilized at Bapuji International School to facilitate full day of learning with curiosity of learning.

Teaching Through Motivate

At Bapuji International School to facilitate full day of learning with curiosity of learning.  Online reference, lecture talks, motivational talks, educational videos and web reference support the teaching-learning process. The case method is a participatory, discussion. Based way of learning where students gain skills in critical thinking, communication, and group dynamics. Group Learning allows the slow learners to develop problem solving, interpersonal, presentational and communication skills to confirm quality in learning with Peer Group. Certain courses related to Maths and Science demand project based Learning. 

Project Guide for Future

The teachers are the guides to the students in the process of preparation of projects. The faculty members foster learning environment by engaging in rich experiential content of teaching through experience, teaching through, Demonstration, visual aids, Periodical industrial visits, and Participating and conducting quiz on subject related topics. The Student seminars are organized wherein the papers are presented by students on contemporary topics to enrich their learning experience. The faculty members arrange student visits to various social organizations such as old age homes and orphanages to promote moral values among the students.

Collective Knowledge of mankind

School is very important. We are sure you have probably heard every grown-up in your life tell you. But the honest truth is that schooling is an absolute fundamental step to a successful life. We sometimes take school and classes for granted. But we forget that by going to school you get a compressed crash course on the collective knowledge of mankind. By getting an education you “skip the line” and see further metaphorically by standing on the shoulders of giants who came before you. You are able to learn from the hard work, success, and failure of the billions of humans who came before you. it as a biologist, engineer or even a plumber, by going to school you rapidly learn in a few weeks what the people before you learned through many years experience. With that we said we believe there comes a time in every person’s life, no matter what stage of schooling you are at, that you feel unmotivated or feel a lack of focus. “Bapuji International School” is a School in which no student will go through a phase where he or she will be bored with academic studies as the infrastructure situated on a 23 acre campus will facilitate and motivate each and every student to engage in full day of learning. We at “Bapuji International School” Encourage all the parents to enroll their child in our school as learning is facilitated with special care and attention from each and every teaching and non-teaching member of “Bapuji International School”.