An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.
We affirm that education begins at birth and continues through the life.So our complete focus is to provide a support center to our children, to become whole and healthy individuals in life.
In Bapuji International School we aim to create an ideal school environment where innovation is all pervasive.
The educational needs of today are very different from those of the past because of growing competition with the progress of science and technology.
A pivotal role of education lies in shaping the Personality of a child into a healthy mind and happy soul who is not only equipped with 21st century skills and aptitude required for academic excellence but helping him for the challenges of life in a balanced harmonious way. Therefore the system of education should work as a catalyst in making each child a balanced human being .
I would like the student community of Bapuji International School to make use of the advanced facilities here, achieve excellence in academics ,sports and other extracurricular activities, inculcate human values and take our school to greater heights.
Warm regards
Dr.Mahesh Kadakkalakath
A school/college is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students. Get all details.
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